Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Pulitzer Earned and Deserved

When you read a story by Paige St. John, who has been unearthing reams of data about the insurance industry's dubious business practices in Florida, you realize you're in the presence of a journalist who's extremely smart, persevering, and who has thoroughly done her homework.

Congratulations to St. John and to the Herald Tribune for her Pulitzer.

If the paper can get over its justifiable glee, it should do a detailed overview showing what St. John's work has revealed, not simply about this specific industry, but about the context and environment in which big business is conducted in Florida. Here's a story by St. John from only a few days ago, showing how receptive the highest levels of state government to egregious ways the insurers have perfected of taking Floridians to the cleaners.

And the most important thing is, what's next. If the paper manages to hang on to this reporter, it should back broader and deeper investigations that will expose a climate of corrupt or non-existent regulation that the current crew in Tallahassee is happy to support and expand.

The recognition of Paige St. John's work is best honored in its continuation.

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